Wait for a window to be created, returns 0 on timeout and ahk_id otherwise
Parameter are the same as WinWait, see http://ahkscript.org/docs/commands/WinWait.htm
Forum: http://ahkscript.org/boards/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1274&p=8517#p8517
WinWaitCreated( WinTitle:="", WinText:="", Seconds:=0, ExcludeTitle:="", ExcludeText:="" ) {
; HotKeyIt - http://ahkscript.org/boards/viewtopic.php?t=1274
static Found := 0, _WinTitle, _WinText, _ExcludeTitle, _ExcludeText
, init := DllCall( "RegisterShellHookWindow", "UInt",A_ScriptHwnd )
, MsgNum := DllCall( "RegisterWindowMessage", "Str","SHELLHOOK" )
, cleanup:={base:{__Delete:"WinWaitCreated"}}
If IsObject(WinTitle) ; cleanup
return DllCall("DeregisterShellHookWindow","PTR",A_ScriptHwnd)
else if (Seconds <> MsgNum){ ; User called the function
Start := A_TickCount, _WinTitle := WinTitle, _WinText := WinText
,_ExcludeTitle := ExcludeTitle, _ExcludeText := ExcludeText
,OnMessage( MsgNum, A_ThisFunc ), Found := 0
While ( !Found && ( !Seconds || Seconds * 1000 < A_TickCount - Start ) )
Sleep 16
Return Found,OnMessage( MsgNum, "" )
If ( WinTitle = 1 ; window created, check if it is our window
&& ExcludeTitle = A_ScriptHwnd
&& WinExist( _WinTitle " ahk_id " WinText,_WinText,_ExcludeTitle,_ExcludeText))
WinWait % "ahk_id " Found := WinText ; wait for window to be shown